Yesterday morning began with a mad dash to the LYS to grab a longer circ. After a day of knitting I do not think that 32 inches is going to be enough. Sadness. After a day of knitting the shawl looks like this.
I love how fast it is knitting up. I love that It is a mindless knit without being socks. I love that towards the end I will be learning something new. What's not to love about this shawl?
Yesterday I also finished spinning the brown, today I will switch to the undyed. Spinning the such a nice way to start the day.
Lastly, yesterday the FedEx man brought me this.
Imagine my surprise at receiving something so official looking from Random House. It turned out to be an advance readers copy of Black Wave. It made its way into my bag as we headed out the door for dance class.
OH MY! I was hooked from the beginning. After a few chapters I knew that Husband would be reading it as soon as I was done. I will write a review when I have finished reading. Until then, put it on your Wish List, it is a great read.
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