The weather Gods are seriously perverse. Sunday was forecast to be a nice rainy sort of day. It was not. Oldest Daughter and I were spending the day goofing off on our way up to deliver her to UBC. When the snow began we laughed in that “This is so fucking ridiculous” sort of way. By the time we got her tucked into her dorm the snow was no longer funny, it had just become dark and I had 200 miles ahead of me.
What followed was beyond scary. After crossing the border, I-5 turned into the most poorly lit, federally funded sheet of ice on the planet. No, I could not get off the freeway and stop driving. I could not see far enough to find an exit. As it turns out I drove right through Bellingham without seeing the city or the signs telling me there was a city. I drove and drove not having a clue where I was because I could barely see the semi-truck in front of me. After passing the first of many cars that had slid off the road (too slow for injuries) it occurred to me that I could not call for help. If I needed to call someone, the best location I could give them would have been, “south of the border”.
As I pulled up to my house I considered getting out and kissing the ground. There was no one watching, so the gesture seemed futile. I did fill my Danskos with snow on the walk from the car to the side door. I am so done with that.
This afternoon I was chatting with an employee at PCC. Of course we talked about the weather and snowmen. As an aside, we build both snow men and women at our house, I suppose it is time we learned to build a transgender and transvestite snow creature. My mind is having fun with this. Anyway, the PCC employee reminisced about building snowmen as a boy. He would roll the ball until it was so big he could no longer push it. My story for him was that I grew up in a place without snow. Now, every time it snowed I was overcome with the magic of it. Until yesterday. Now I am done. Now a patch of snow just pisses me off. I really hope the magic returns.
P.S. Why is the refrigerator making that noise?
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