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July 28, 2009


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I hope you're pleased with yourself. I drooled all over my keyboard looking at the woolgirl website. I can't afford more yarn but it does make good insulation. Yeah, that's it. I'm not making unnecessary purchases I'm adding additional insulation to our house.


I have been itching to cast on for an Ulmus too. I sit here at work and dream about what colors I'll choose, browsing the completed ones on Ravelry....and then I go home and work on Midsummer! Not that this is a bad thing, but here I am *again* thinking about what yarn I'll use for Ulmus.

Embrace the Lace looks like a great club too! I'm really enjoying SIL - there may be 2 lace clubs in my future too if they are both offered and I can be lucky enough to get slots in each.


Pretty pretty pretty!! I love the yarn choice for Ulmus, I could also really see Rayon Vert with Chocolate Amargo.

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