Can Jam 2010 – February – Carrots
With only one jar of spicy carrots left on the shelf I was delighted to whip up another batch for the Can Jam.
Makes me think of sitting on the deck at La Fonda, looking out across a beautiful Mexican beach, knowing that after lunch we would be swimming in the ocean.
Spicy Carrots, Onions and Jalapeños
5 pints total of carrots, onions and jalapeños, 1/4 inch thic[k slices
4 cups cider vinegar
1 tablespoon pickling salt
10 cloves garlic
5 bay leaves
5 sprigs of oregano
1 1/4 teaspoons peppercorns
Bring to a boil the vinegar and salt.
Into each jar pack 2 cloves garlic and 1/4 teaspoon peppercorns and veggies. Pour the hot liquid in to the jars, leaving 1/2 headspace. Slip a bay leaf and a sprig of oregano down the side of each jar. Process for 20 minutes.
I love it when days start like this.
These look great! I've had spicy carrots in a mix with primarily jalapenos (I think it's called Escabeche?), but making it mostly carrots sounds like a great idea.
Posted by: Libby | February 21, 2010 at 09:36 PM
Awesome! These look really great! I will definitely be trying them!
Posted by: | February 24, 2010 at 01:01 AM
Really nice pictures!
Posted by: ap269 | February 24, 2010 at 04:01 AM
Hay muchos seguros de automóviles empresas en el Reino Unido que ofrecen diversos tipos de seguro de auto Protección contra vandalismo sólo viene con seguro de automóvil la cobertura completa . Se cubre todas las condiciones de la cobertura básica, además de otras condiciones .tienda de calzado
Posted by: pulsa aquí | October 05, 2013 at 10:55 AM
Este cuestionario contiene una lista de condiciones médicas no asegurables Debido a la reactivación del seguro COBRA y terminación involuntaria, los legisladores probablemente se dieron cuenta de que esto no traerá beneficios para el cuidado de la salud y la asistencia a la mayoría de los trabajadores en el momento en que más los necesitaban . Asegúrese de que su póliza de seguro de vida proporciona suficiente cobertura .gafas de sol online
Posted by: gafas oakley | October 28, 2013 at 11:35 PM