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May 20, 2010


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OMG that sounds amazing. Got a friend with an overabundance of rhubarb in her garden...may need to hit her up for some.


Being a non-blogger I am so excited about your post! I too am going to make this one, maybe I'll have to do it today, since it is raining out. Thank you for your inspiration to go through with this.


Looks tasty. I think I am going to hit up my friends for more rhubarb.


Oooh, with jalapenos! Sounds wonderful! Clearly I need to do some last minute rhubarb-stocking up!


I made it last weekend. I decreased the sugar and increased the heat but so very yummy. Thanks for the idea.


I have 4 pints of this in my canner right now. Soooo good!!!! I added an extra jalapeno. Can't wait to have it on my pulled pork sandwiches. Thanks for the recipe!

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