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March 17, 2011


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I'm sold. I'm doing an afterthought heel on my current pair of socks.


So cheerful! Perfect for our dreary weather which hopefully will turn into Spring soon.


WHAT THE?!? Did you not just start these?

Gorgeous. Nummy. Nummily gorgeous. :)


Wow, you're quick!!

Great colours.


Wow, you almost make me want to start knitting socks!


Those are some kick a** socks they came out great.


Holy Moly you got those done fast! Hey can you send me your directions for the afterthought heel. The ones I made for Allan with the afterthought heel, meh.... They have a strange bump that does not go away when on the foot.

By the way those socks are fab... love everything about them. Have you finished your pink socks?

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