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July 15, 2011


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I no longer travel for work (YAY - December trips to Pittsburgh were the pitts). However, my husband DOES, and he has his company Blackberry, his personal BB, a small laptop that is one of those that doesn't do everything - just email, websurfing, but no MSF Office stuff, and then, if he has some presentation to do, or he's crunching data he ALSO takes his company laptop. And he wonders why his shoulders hurt.


We still take the full size laptop with us on trips. I have an ipod, but it doesn't have a camera. I'd like to have a small netbook to use for personal trips and then we'd only have to take the full size laptop if it was a working trip.


When we go to Victoria to visit friends and shop twice a year we take the laptop. Otherwise all our traveling is beyond the range of any wifi or electricity, so it's a moot point.


I usually see traveling as a way of getting away from technology, but I have taken my laptop on trips when I felt I needed to be connected. Taking a break is nice.

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