As you may be aware, tomorrow is New Year's Eve and people every where will be celebrating with a bit of bubbly. A number of years ago I saw an episode of Three Sheets where a bottle of champagne was opened with a saber. You can watch the episode here on Hulu. Oddly enough I do not have a saber hanging around the house, so never even thought about trying to replicate the opening. That is until the New York times ran a story about How to Saber Champagne and it turns out you do not need a saber at all, only an icy bottle and a chef's knife. Will you give it a try?
Hm. Prolly not. I think just the old-fashioned attempt to shoot one's eye out with the cork will suffice for us this evening. :)
Posted by: Anne | December 31, 2011 at 06:43 AM