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June 05, 2012


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True story: My Jewish mother was having dinner with her(ex)in laws, myself & my Father. My Father's family is MN Scandinavians. My Grandmother was urging her to have some salad. My Mother was looking around the table for a green salad, ever more desperately as my Grandmother became more and more forceful in her urging. Then my Grandmother picked up the Jello salad on the table and passed it to my Mother! Talk about differing expectations!


A dish in which the primary ingredient is leafy greens of some type.

Otherwise I would expect a qualifier like 'macaroni' or 'jello'.


Almost anything with raw vegetables that is a mixture (so not veggies and dip, but green salad, greek salad, carrot salad, etc).


Greens, dressing, and some variety of toppings such as black olives, croutons, carrots, cukes, etc.

Also, I love jello salad -- I have three recipes for it, all different varieties!

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