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August 01, 2012


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I would love to be a cake baker. I think this one's going to find it's way to my bookshelf even though I'm sure there are many ingredients used that I am supposed to avoid.


Mmmm, I love cake. I like cooking them, as well.


My mouth is watering. They all look and sound soooo good!


Yes please. I will have a slice of each. :)

Mary Mara



Oh how I wish I baked. I might have to try my hand at it anyway. There are few my hubby would love. g


Thanks for your lovely post Terri! The Kentucky bourbon cake is one of my favorites...and don't be afraid of the fancy pan they photographed it in, it tastes just as great in a regular old tube pan.
Julie Richardson

Knitting Needle Sizes

Wow. Vintage cake? That's new. Will I have a slice of it ? Totally mouth - watering. Well, chocolate cakes are very delicious, of course.

Ruby Tuesday Coupons

It looks great, I wonder if I can get this all recipe in the market.

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