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January 17, 2013


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I think you'll love your Kindle. I had the same thoughts as you, I love books and I don't think I'll like reading on a "thing". I was gifted one however and oh how I love it. I'm never without a book. Between the free books on the Amazon website, and yes, many of them are good and all the books from the library I've can read in the middle of the night and never run out of good books.


I have borrowed a kindle to read a book - didn't love it. Was 'turning' the page every 15 seconds. At least with the real book I've got two full pages to read before I have to turn the page. (I read fast.)


I wasn't sure I would like my Kindle. However, when I cannot sleep and I've just finished a book and want something else, it's VERY nice to be able to go, search online, snag something new via the wireless and start the new book without ever leaving bed. Not that I've totally gone cold turkey from printed books - but it's great for travel too when you know you've got a long day on a plane and don't want to lug 5 things with you for the flight out and back.


The thing I love my Kindle most for is its cover with the built-in light. (I have an older model, but am eyeing the new Paperwhites with the built in light.) I like reading on my Kindle, but after owning it for almost two years I have come to the conclusion that not every book is suited to it. I'm sure you will love yours!

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