We were not the ones to name our cat. If it had been up to us, it probably would have been Gaston, and we often call him Señor Loco Pantelones. He came to us as a stray that had been living at the vet's office until they found him a good home. They called him Tom, so Tom it is.
When Tom dislocated his front leg we wrote his pirate name on the cast, Butch The Wicked. The vet loved that. Tom is a sweetie to humans, but a bully to other cats. The neighborhood dogs fear him. He is often referred to as House Muffin when he is hanging out at home. But also Fuzzy Death when he trots up the deck stairs with a creature in his mouth. Before you go all crazy on me, he does not bring us pretty song birds, but rats, mice, voles, moles, and squirrels. These creatures are not alway dead when he decides to drop them in the house and it makes for a very exciting afternoon. Or two weeks in the case of an especially crafty rat.
How was your pet named?
The dog was named Chika after husband's first dog. Should have been Chitka, we later found out. After the Am-Chitka blast in Alaska (he was from northern BC).
The first cat was named for the colour of his blue eyes when he came to us at 5 weeks old - Sapphire. The second cat was named for his pale orange-brown patches - Whiskey. His nickname was Bubba, 'cause he was the biggest hunk of muscle ever seen. Those two cats are sadly gone.
The third cat is Torti - she's a torti-tabbi cross and I liked it. The youngest cat is Hubert, named after the cat in the catfood commercials from a couple of years ago, where the human pretends to be a cat.
Bushboy had a Webkinz named Tom Tom.
Posted by: kate | January 10, 2013 at 05:37 PM
I rarely have the heart to change their names if they know them. Nicknames they have plenty of though - Blondie is Blonde Girl, Sweetie, Sweetpea, Missy. Zaina - Zi or Zizi, Little Shit, Little Horse.
Tom's nicknames are hilarious!
Posted by: Toby | January 14, 2013 at 12:59 PM