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January 10, 2013


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The dog was named Chika after husband's first dog. Should have been Chitka, we later found out. After the Am-Chitka blast in Alaska (he was from northern BC).
The first cat was named for the colour of his blue eyes when he came to us at 5 weeks old - Sapphire. The second cat was named for his pale orange-brown patches - Whiskey. His nickname was Bubba, 'cause he was the biggest hunk of muscle ever seen. Those two cats are sadly gone.
The third cat is Torti - she's a torti-tabbi cross and I liked it. The youngest cat is Hubert, named after the cat in the catfood commercials from a couple of years ago, where the human pretends to be a cat.
Bushboy had a Webkinz named Tom Tom.


I rarely have the heart to change their names if they know them. Nicknames they have plenty of though - Blondie is Blonde Girl, Sweetie, Sweetpea, Missy. Zaina - Zi or Zizi, Little Shit, Little Horse.

Tom's nicknames are hilarious!

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