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February 13, 2013


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That's great! I really need to try these as a preventive measure - noticed last night that I grip my left needle tightly, and for no real reason.


I can't believe I didn't think to mention square needles. I changed to square because I'm a loose knitter. I was tired of going down two sizes to get gauge. And I've noticed that my wrist doesn't get sore or tired unless I knit for a really long time. I have repetitive stress injuries in one wrist. I hope they continue to work for you.


That'd be so awesome if it meant you could knit for a bit!!


Holding my breath for you that these let you back to the knitting world!

Sonja Kosler

YIPPEE!. So glad they may allow you to get back to some knitting. I may order some for myself now that we have the Dandelion Seal of Approval.

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