Last fall, one of my BFFs gave me a rhubarb plant. I popped it in the garden and sure enough, it came up in the spring. The leaves were green and perky and I loved looking at it as I walked past.
When we added compost to the raised beds, I lifted the plant and set it in the shade. It was not out of the ground for more than a couple of hours. Since replanting, all the leaves have slowly turned red and then fallen off. It is so sad.
Do you think it's anger is temporary? Will it come back again next spring?
Strange. I almost wonder if it was the compost .... around here the best rhubarb are the old plants that are in old neglected gardens.... I'm sure it'll come back though, they're pretty tough!
Posted by: kate | June 13, 2013 at 06:07 PM
Ooooh, poor baby. It will likely come back, but not with any strength next season. And, I agree the compost may have been a little rich for the lowly rhubarb. mmm I should check mine out--planted where a pine tree grew.
Posted by: Sonja Kosler | June 15, 2013 at 06:13 PM